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…the Experimental Collection

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No! it hasn’t started just now.

I graduated in product design back in 2012, and my final project was about creating a bag collection using leather ‘waste’ from tanneries in the south of Brazil. My research focused on sustainability, where I delved deeply into its concepts, and the consumer perceptions of sustainable design at that time.

My interest and passion about design have led me to work in many segments of the industry, where I've gained deeper knowledge about the technical aspects of the product and its development processes, as well as the materials and materials and manufacturing processes that bring a concept to life.

In 2016 I designed a second experimental collection, using leather waste again, simply because I love leather—how it works, last and changes over time, developing a unique natural character to each piece. I had my collection crafted by a professional artisan, who helped me achieve the perfect finish for the products.

Now I feel it’s time to embark in a creative journey, start again, try the same and different. This time I’m experimenting textile, and once again – bags, Yeh! I love bags, specially, the different ones.

This journey has been incredibly inspiring, almost therapeutic, and I can say it has become my hobby. It's all about experimentation—I'm learning how to sew and handcraft each piece myself, so don’t expect perfection. In fact, embracing imperfections is a key part of this project. I'm striving for the best while also respecting and enjoying the limitations that come with the process. It is not everything about product and design in here : ))

I enjoy exploring the available materials and using them as a starting point for my bags.

The concept takes me back to my childhood when I wanted something just because everyone else had it, and my mum would say, "You’re not everyone." That sentiment echoes in this collection—if it resonates with you, you might enjoy the whole journey. The idea isn’t to please everyone—just like in life. As I said, not everything in here is about the product and design; there is more in a product: ))

I wanted something almost conceptual, unique, and influenced by whatever captures my attention at the moment—whether it’s colours, textures, or patterns, depending on the day, the mood, the London weather…

I want to bring the feeling much like when your grandmother sewed a dress, or mum knitted a jumper. I vividly remember going with my mum at the start of winter to pick out the wool for my new jumper, and then wearing it with such pride. The goal is wearing this energy of felling loved, feel yourself, unique and special – you are part of a community of conscious consumers who make thoughtful choices about the products they embrace.



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